Sunday, May 30, 2010

Welcome to my space. C'est Moi...It is me.

I have been thinking about blogging for a while, and wondered what I would say and who would actually read it. For some reason, this week I decided it was time. All the signs pointed to it, and so I started to think about a name, and what it would be about. I still don't really know what I will say on this space... but I came up with a name, which I like, and so I thought, why not?

Why the french? For some reason I have had this arb connection with the French language for most of my life. There is a story involving myself at 2 years old, a set of very large headphones, "Learn to speak French" tapes, and the phrase "Bonjour maman... look mummy I'm learning French!" Ever since then I have continued my quest to learn the language, and hopefully one day it will come in handy. 

C'est Moi is just a place where I can speak about the things I find interesting. And maybe they will interest you too. It's not really about me per se, as the title suggests... I want it to be more about general trends and things, these may connect to you in some way so keep an eye on it.

Thats all for now, but as I said, watch this space for more coming up soon.

Bisous x

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