Wow, it's been a very long time since I managed to post something > heres what I have been up to.

In September I ventured off with my family holiday for our annual holiday in
Mauritius. More specifically, I spent 10 days lying on the beach at the
Sugar Beach Resort. These days were characterized by the large, if not ridiculously extravagant breakfast, followed by an hour or two of reading, then the first of many rounds of fruit punch, and with rum when it seemed an appropriate time, then more reading, then lunch, then more reading, maybe a trip to the spa...then when the pancake cart comes out, you know its 4 o'clock, time for tea and to get ready for the most beautiful sunset you'll ever see, after that, its back to the room for a bit of pampering and spritzing up, and then its to the restaurant for a buffet of exotic food to tantalise every taste bud you didn't even know you had. And so it goes for 10 days straight. I managed to read three whole books in the ten days, John Grisham's
The Brethren, Nora Roberts'
The Search and Jodi Picoult's
Plain Truth.
What a life! (and yes, I am still trying to burn off all that food I worth it though!!)

We did venture out to the market once, where you can find everything from woven handbags to Cashmere pashmina's to shoes to batteries and cellphone chargers. Its an incredible experience, filled with sounds and smells you will never be able to replicate, and the Mauritian traders are willing to barter right down to the "special price...just for you". The almost 1.8 million people living in Mauritius are peaceful and happy, even though there are many religions and races all living in the small 45km by 65km area. Approximately 330km of that area is on the coast, making Mauritius a perfect island holiday destination.

See what else I've been up to in the next post, hopefully not in another couple of weeks!
Oh, and check out my friends' fabulous blog
Pretty Vintage - she has some great articles on fashions and all things lovely! <3